Empowering People to Act

We work to secure a society of dignity devoid of poverty, ignorance, and disease

Our Focus

ASUDEV is committed to delivering effective social development and empowerment interventions along four thematic areas targeted at the vulnerable in society; women and children.

Over 90% of the people in our area of operation are poor smallholder farmers who farm on a subsistence basis. Farming is the single most important means of livelihood for all these people. Therefore, we seek to embark on environmental education programmes to sensitize farmers on bad farming practices that affect soil fertility and food security.  
We support farmers’ groups to acquire credit from financial institutions and to advocate for fair trade from service providers and companies. Undoubtedly, the impacts of climate change are manifest on the entire globe, particularly in developing countries that are relatively vulnerable.  Our activities on climate change are thus geared towards reducing vulnerability and ensuring resilience in the face of climate change. This we do through sensitizations, relief and recovery for disaster victims and support for alternative livelihoods as way of mitigating its impact on the poor and vulnerable people.

Here we recognize that education is not only a fundamental human right but also necessary to bring development to the communities we work in. Our work seeks to ensure that all children have the opportunity to access and afford quality basic education. This we do through operational research on enrolment and retention, tracking of education resources, advocacy for universal access to basic education and equitable distribution of education resources, capacity building and strengthening of school governance structures (PTAs & SMCs) while mainstreaming women participation via a mother’s club concept and last but not least promoting constructive engagements among key stakeholders in education. We shall also support essential services to communities with peculiar issues to address. Unveiling opportunities for youth development through youth development advocacy and support for the acquisition of self-employable skills is our focus. 

we work in communities to primarily promote health. Key public health issues on our radar include Maternal and child health promotion and HIV &AIDS. We educate local communities and schools on these areas. We also work with relevant health authorities and communities to enhance community participation in health care delivery under the CHPS concept. We also support people living with HIV /AIDS groups to acquire anti-retroviral drugs while encouraging them to live healthy lives.  Other health behaviors we promote include, hand washing with soap, vaccination education, Malaria prevention, etc.

Our work in Good Governance seeks to improve transparency and accountability at both the community and district level. We monitor government programmes to ensure proper implementation for our constituents’ benefit. We also seek to improve the participation of all categories of people in the communities in the implementation of programmes that affect their lives. Minority and marginalized groups such as women, children, PLWHAs, and PWDs are our main focus here. We engage the DAs and the other decentralized departments to ensure the full participation of these groups of people. 

As patriarchal as our communities are, our work in Gender seeks to bridge the gaps in the roles of men and women by ensuring equity and fair opportunity. We support women’s economic empowerment through support in income generating activities. We also encourage and support women to participate actively at various level of local governance (at school, home, community and district levels). We also train girls in leadership skills. Then again, we campaign against domestic violence through community durbars, mass media, and the flagship Community-Based Anti-violence Teams (COMBAT) programme. We also educate men and women on domestic laws (Marriage Law, DVL, Children’s Act, Intestate Succession Law, etc).


Our Mission

“Working actively with rural people in collaboration with other civil society organizations and agencies using Rights Based Approaches to empower the poor and disadvantaged towards reducing poverty, discrimination and marginalization.”

Our Vision

Our vision is to see “a society of dignity devoid of poverty, ignorance and disease.”